Sunday, September 20, 2009

Do you feel like the Family's Post it Note?

It seems every day I'm reminding someone in my family to take something to school or make sure something gets done. I do believe I am a Human post it note. No wonder I can't ever remember anything, because too much is in my head for the rest of the family. Am I the only human post it note?


Anonymous said...

Oh, definitely. I feel like the family's post-it note, pack mule, taxi driver, resident nurse and tutor. It can be a joy, but it can also be very trying when there's little (or no) time to myself.

Catrin said...

Yes! Yes! It can be a tough burden to be the "only one" in the family with the upcoming calendar, to-do-list, and pantry inventory in your head. My husband's job keeps him busy and stressed, so his head is rarely on the upcoming kid activities or homework deadlines. So I have had to carry little lists around with me everywhere to make sure I get the important things done. But when I forget, and something gets missed, it's a hard reminder that I'm carrying those important responsibilities without the help I'd like to have.

Coach Kimberly said...

Totally recognize and understand about no time for self. I may sound sexist here, but I think the Family post it note gene only belongs to females? Anybody agree or disagree?

Michelle said...

I'm finding myself being the post-it note for my 5 year old son and don't like it. So I'm starting to make him do things for himself and if he forgets, it's to his disappointment. He needs to learn to remember his Bible, SS papers, etc. for church on Sunday. I agree that the female of the family is definitely the post-it note!

Coach Kimberly said...

You are on the right track Michelle about logical consequences. I try to do that as well, but do slip back into my post it note habits.

Anonymous said...

I am also the "reminder" person in our home, but not so much as before. My sons are older and they are remembering more for themselves. It is impossible for me to tend to everyone's agenda. They need to learn to take care of their own stuff, because that's how it is in the real world. But I used to have to do a lot more, because some male family members are ADD (or act like it.) I am the female in a house of 4 males and 1 female. At one point even all the pets were male.

Shelley said...

I never thought of it that way... but yes, I am definitely the post it note in my family. With a husband who is gone all week on the road working and 2 boys in the middle school, I seem to have to remember everything for everyone. I try to stress to them how important it is for them to put their best effort forward and remember their responsibilities, but to no avail. What if something happens to me? What would they do? Thank you for reminding me that I'm not the only one feeling this way!

Anonymous said...

Not only am I the Family Post-It note, I use a ton of them as well, to help ME remember everything that is going on/has to be done. They are all over my kitchen cabinets, refrigerator, calendar, etc. My husband gets aggravated at how it looks but I tell him, my brain is overloaded with life's details and about to explode, what else do you expect me to do???