Sunday, November 11, 2007

Open Comment Section

Feel free to post any questions or comments here.


Coach Kimberly said...

I'm bringing over a post from CWM2 that was on our last Open Comment section. Please help her out.

Hello all - I just needed some advice from some other Moms. My son is 5 years old and is still wetting the bed at night. We have tried everything - even waking him in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. He is in day care during the day and always seems thirsty at night, which of course does not help. Any ideas of things that have worked for you? Thanks in advance. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I posted a long post but see that it didn't actually post. So, I'll try to reacap what my thoughts were before.
I have an almost 5 year old who will also wet the bed if he drinks too much at night - usually happens around 3 in the morning. So, I limit his fluids now and he doesn't really drink anything after 8:30.
Sounds like your son is drinking a lot at night - so maybe that's the problem? Does he drink a lot during the day, too? Have you tried sending a water bottle and having the day care providers make sure he drinks adequate fluids (of your choice) during the day? Maybe he's getting dehydrated there and then stock piling at night.
Also, if you don't think that is the problem, you could take him to his pedi to see if there's a medical reason - sometimes there is. But if he's drinking a lot at night, it could be pretty simple.
If there's no medical issue, then you can rest in the fact that this is a normal part of growing up and it will pass. My 8 and 12 year olds occasionally wet the bed at that age, too. But it wasn't a regular occurrence. They NEVER wet the bed now :)
I hope this helps - even if my advice is stuff you've already done - just knowing that other moms care and want to support you. We all have parenting "problems" and they are always fluid (no pun intended).
Best wishes for some dry nights!

Anonymous said...

My family has found ourselves living with my husband's brother's family temporarily after relocating this past Oct. My son is very playful and doesn't understand that sometimes he's being too playful with his 3 yr old cousin who is a girl. Yesterday I was very upset when the wife told my 2 1/2 yr old that she "was going to beat my son's a___. I was deeply shocked and spoke to my husband about how inappropriate it was to say something like that to a child in that way. I feel that since we are living in their home and the wife is pregnant, I am very careful so as not to cause any un-necessary tension. I know pregnant women are unpredictable at times due to hormones, but I so much want to leave their home, because I can not allow my son to be spoken to like that again especially since we don't speak that way to him nor to their daughter. What do you think?

Desperately Need Advice

Coach Kimberly said...

Hi Desperately Need Advice,

You are in a difficult situation. I would definitely pray and ask God's wisdom in what to do. In James, the Bible tell us to pray for wisdom and God will give it to us. Also, you are right in asking your husband to talk with his family, since it is his family. Also, was this a one time event or a pattern. Not that it is acceptable either way, but if it is a one time event you can forgive her and maybe ask her how you can help her. Is there anything that would make it easier for her. The Bible is clear about us serving others. She probably needs some TLC (tender loving care) right now. I hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

coach kim
how do i delete a post if i made an error?
Jennifer F

Regina said...

Have you talked to your pediatrition about bedwetting? one of my daughter's did through first grade and apparently it is normal. She grew out of it... she is currently in college and NOT wetting the bed!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Coach Kim,

I appreciate your comments regarding the challenges I am having living in the 'Temporary Living Arrangements'. I stress temporary. I have forgiven my in law and have tried as much as I can to help around the house since I am not working at the present time. I am however very prayful that I will be able to find employment soon. I also have been keeping a watchful eye on my son a little more than I think is necessary if we were in our own place. I am so eager to be out of this situation. There is nothing like having something to call one's own.
Desperately Need Advice

Anonymous said...

coach kimberly,

I landed a job and should be starting soon which is a step closer to where I ultimately want to be...out of my in laws house.

Desperately Need Advice

Coach Kimberly said...

Desperately Need Advice,

Praise the Lord!!! Yeah! I know that gives you a lot of hope. Thanks so much for sharing your good news with us. I hope to hear soon you can move out. God's timing is always right on time.

Anonymous said...

Coach Kimberly,

I started work on Jan. 7th, but unfortunately the job is not at all what I expected. The training I am receiving is a joke, but I am making the most of it in order to get to where I need to be. Apparently there has been many changes internally with the company and the management has changed hands several times. From the workers, they have said that it has not been an easy transition and as a result of which many people are leaving and new people starting. I am not worried because I am just thankful for the opportunity to make some income. I will definitely let you know when the big 'move out' happens!

Desperately Need Advice.

Coach Kimberly said...

Desperately Need Advice,

Thanks for the update. I'm sure the new job is difficult, but just think you might be the "old" gal soon. If you can survive the transition you may be able to move up in the company. I'm thankful God provided a job. Do continue to keep us updated. We serve a mighty God.

Anonymous said...

Desperately need Advice -- just wanted to let you know that I've been in a situation where I was the new employee in a transitioning company. Honestly, often the transition is harder on the old employees who see the changes than it is on the newbies just coming in and assuming things were always as they are now. I found that once the turnover from the transition stabilized the job was much easier. Ultimately, I left that job... but that was 5 years later and by then I was definitely one of the "oldies". I hope this works out into a long term job for you or that God has a better opportunity waiting! :) -- M