Friday, July 23, 2010

How can your church support you as a CWM?

Often we talk about how we don't feel the church supports us as a CWM. What could your church specifically do to support you as a CWM?


Ang said...

My church does a good job of supporting moms from all walks of life. One thing that is particularly helpful is arranging for childcare during evening events (even if it's for-pay, which is fine, as long as I can plan ahead) and not scheduling exclusively daytime get-togethers.

Anonymous said...

What I would REALLY like is for a male pastor to stand up and tell the men in the congregation that it is a sin not to do their fair share of the housework (unless the kids are in school and the mom is at home, this is 50%). I don't think men would listen to a woman saying this, but I also think it is really true. My DH is getting better, but there have been times when we would come home from work, he would rest for most of the evening, giving me a little "help," while I would put in a full second shift. This is not just a problem for working moms, either. I had an at-home mom tell me, with tears in her eyes, "I guess my time to rest is supposed to be when I'm washing the dishes." Her husband was exactly like my husband. This is not okay. God did not make a suitable "slave" for the man (that is not what ezer means), and I really wish a Christian man of influence would stand up and tell men that.

Susan DiMickele said...

This is a big issue -- I'll be back at you on this one!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous on 8/3--AMEN!

Anonymous said...

I don't think that our church does a great job at supporting CWMs.
- Most of the "ladies" group meetings are during the day.
- Our pre-school doesn't begin until 9am. When I asked if they had considered starting a bit earlier so that a child could be dropped off on the way to work, I was told that we start at 9am to suit the needs of the stay-at-home moms.
- I find I tend to get up early (before my family) to have any time to dedicate to my own needs. After work during the week, I like to focus on my family and home, not run to the church for bible study activities held there. I wondered if there is anyone else out there like me.

I have suggested that we start a bible study for women in either the early morning or over lunch in the city (where many people work). Am I crazy or unusual in my schedule?

Coach Kimberly said...

Hi Anonymous~

You are not crazy or unusual in wanting a bible study that could meet at lunch or early morning. Churches just are not use to thinking that way. It is hard to start something new. I wish churches would start thinking out of the box in meeting needs for CWMs. Thanks for sharing and realize you have said something many CWMs have shared as well. You are not alone.

Anonymous said...

My church has Bible study at four different times. Monday at noon and six in the evening, Wednesday at seven and Sunday at nine thirty before Church. I think that is a great assortment, I make it to two of them! They are all doing different things. And htey always have a childrens program at the same time, so my daughteris having a grat time inher class while I am in mine. I also like that we have small group meetings, and share a meal. I think that means more to me than I can express, since I don't have a lot of time to get out and socialize and getting a break from cooking is nice too. For the pot luck, I can cook or buy something at the store, it is all appreciated. Also, people hug each other a lot at my Church and I really like that too.

Anonymous said...

Although my church is good about having meetings in the evenings, I also wish that more teaching and support could come from the pulpit. I have felt that my church make it seem like you are more obedient to God if you focused on staying home and raising children than working outside of the home to support your family. What about the Proverbs 31 woman???