Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Advice for new CWMs

I often get surveys from CWM who are either returning to the work force after years at home or just had a baby. Both feel tremendous guilt about working. If you could give advice to a new CWM what would it be?

How is your family doing in these tough times economically?

I really have two questions for my wise CWM sisters in Christ. One, what ways are you trying to save money in these tough economic times? I know every time I go to the grocery store it seems I pay more for less food. Second, is someone in your family out of work right now? If so, how are you coping and what things are you trying to do to encourage your family?

One thing I know for sure, as a therapist, we may try to hide hard times from our children but they always know something is going on. Difficult times are an excellent way to teach about God's sovereign control in our lives.

I look forward to hearing your comments.